Monday, December 3, 2007

'Another day, another dollar'

Life is funny. It holds many nuances everyday. Just when we think we have a hold of things, so much falls apart. Maybe it was meant to be? I.e. the falling apart. We are promised that "Man's plans fail. God's plans prevail." If it doesn't work, don't fix it. However, in some cases, we must pursue a direction till it dies. If in our hearts, we sense God opening a door, why not try the door. And like the persistent widow to the unjust judge, we may just see that door open after all.
Have a most successful day.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

A new day.

Thank God for new days. Each and everyday gives us a fresh start. Joy in living each day grants us the hope we need to live wonderfully. There's  nothing like a new beginning. We don't need to understand everything to be grateful for what we have. Grateful for life itself. Let grace leap and abound! Let's live life for He is life and we can share in the joy of Jesus. I hope you are ready to share His love this Christmas season. May you have more of Christ each day.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Oh happy day! It's amazing how much blessing we have in America! It's not hard to be grateful when there is fresh clean water to drink and abundance of food! I am truly grateful for all my blessings; blessings of health and wholeness; A blessing of spiritual growth; Freedom to let go of hurts and disappointments! Blessings to you and yours this holiday. Eat well!

Monday, September 17, 2007


My first red rose. It was a lovely day. the day of my engagement. Too bad all days are not as sweet as that one. Beauty is mixed with sadness, which draws us nearer to God. A searching for the deeper meaning. Even God's will. What is it? Does this life even count as life or is it just a testing time. Time. That's deep. What is time? Does God put time on His finger and count till it's gone into eternity? Only He knows. But He is the ultimate Beloved and we are His. All mankind. Jesus is so in love with us. So in love that we can not even comprehend it. It doesn't matter what we do or say. His love doesn't change. Our decision of where we spend eternity is simple. It's a choice. Go through the door or don't. Jesus is the door. Oh you've heard all this before. But what if it's true? If not you lose nothing. If your really curious, and seek and knock on the door (Pray to Him; Ask Him to show you). The door will open to heaven; to a life and breath of eternity. To ultimate love. If not then to no love at all. This is our choice. That's not cruel, it's amazingly kind. It's more than we would give. We certainly wouldn't give up Holiness to become Sin for someone else. Only Love can do that. Only Jesus. It's worth it. Everyday is worth it. Try it and you will see. Only believe.
Everyday is a challenge. One that brings different aspects to a different light. Waiting is difficult. When there are loose ends, an opportunity to trust God more is available. If you ever saw a movie called "Theresa" about a girl who joined a convent, then you would know how a person can continue to be kind in the face of adversity. Her look on life was so positive. Nothing was greater than her "beloved" (i.e. Jesus). Mother Theresa took her name as a Nun from this girl who entered the convent for training at the unheard of age of 15. In the past it was accepted for Catholic nuns to be dedicated Spiritual believers. Now it is based on your culture. Regardless, it is better to go against the flow and Serve God, even if your demographic is not currently favored. I know I will. When I'm discouraged, as in today, I will press on and press in. Don't give up. Stay the course. God has better plans for His beloved than we can ever imagine.
Blessings to You.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


God's faithfulness always astounds me!
Recently I prayed for a few simple requests.
Why are we surprised when we see the answers unfolding
before our very eyes?

It reminds me of when the church was praying for Peter's release
from prison at John's house. Rhonda goes to answer the door and
hears Peter's voice calling, but doesn't open the door.
She leaves him standing there and runs to tell those praying ,
that "He is at the door" (free as a bird). They didn't believe her.

Note that she is shocked too.
She hears him but doesn't invite him in!

I feel like Rhonda.

God is so good.
I hope you find your prayers are already answered
before you even know it.
