The Same Man
This song brings me back to days of Messianic fellowship. I learned so much from an opportunity of learning about Ruth in the bible. About "The Feasts Of The Lord." It opened my eyes to the connection of the Old Testament to the New. He is the same man. Well, although this song talks about a human, I see it in the eyes of the bride of Christ to her husband. Thank you so much Rachel Loy for giving us your heart in the songs that you have written. It was a privilege to know you then, and to see your success now. To quote another song "I hope that life treats you kind." and that your knowledge and relationship with Jesus, Messiah grows into an amazing flower displayed for all to see. This is my prayer for all my readers and friends. So, be that shining light that pierces the darkness. You won't have to 'wait everyday to see if I wrote you a letter'. Just visit my page from time to time.
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