There are lots of Karaoke participants globally. Often this activity is looked down upon by serious musicians. If we look at history, tho' much of what is looked down upon ends up in the mainstream. This is probably due more to marketing needs than anything else. Where a business can make profit, they will find a way to incorporate whatever it takes to provide "atmosphere" in a way that is free or cost effective to them. In some ways this makes the musician slave to the business owner. Whereas we might prefer, there to be an equal partnership; there is always one "partner" who gains above another. Perhaps this is dependent on what our focus or little "gods" are in our lives. Now take away the little "gods" and worship The Only True God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Now we have commonality. Now we have equal partnership with one another and full Honor to The Only One who deserves our undivided focus, our complete worship, and our continual praise. Now we're cooking with gas!
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