False personalities.
Hmmm. There's actually a virtual game that people play, called "second life".
It's a fantasy game. But, everyone in it, is aware that the persona is not the "real" one. My convictions do NOT allow me to join this game. But then there are real people who are sucked into a virtual world, as if it is true Life. It's so easy to get caught up in this "life" that is not real.
"Wherever there is a negative thought, God has place a positive thought right next to it!" - Graham Cooke. 'For what Satan meant for evil, God meant for good!'(based on Gen 50:20) I love that God is so good ! Isn't God awesome?!
I've been listening to Graham Cooke, who says something along those lines.
"Whenever someone offends you" I would say:'gives you challenges' (my words in the single quotes) "get their home address, write out a blessing for them and mail it." He continues with " You don't have to sign it. Imagine. They are getting blessed and they don't know it is you. They would probably have a fit, if they knew it was you. Get it, beloved? Do the opposite of what the ENEMY most wants you to do. Make it a game. The Holy Spirit loves games and He's good at it."
I'm not saying to write the letter to all people who offend you.
I think the point is to "bless others and pray for them." We all know this! But in our frustration we may be tempted to be "holy spirit Jr.""- Joyce Meyer
"Make it a game" what a quote!!! This reminds me of a must-see movie called "Life is Beautiful" It's a story of perspective. How we look at life. Even in the horrific times, the perspective given to the little boy was "this is a game" and because of that, the boy is blessed far beyond, what would have been otherwise.
This is not to say that believers can't be held accountable. We should gently correct each other. Some people need a soft hand, and others a more firm one. Well that takes discernment, doesn't it?! ;-)
But as for unbelievers, they are trapped in their sin and not free. They
need prayer for salvation. But God is able! His arm is not too short!! I believe that He can reach into these people's homes and grab them into His arms. If God directs, then we can act on pulling folks out of the pit.
Oh, but so many are lost and in need of salvation!
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord, (the one who rules your life) and Savior (the one who died then conquered death and the grave by becoming The Way to live eternally in heaven) Then consider it. Ask Him. What are you afraid of?
If you don't believe, what would be the harm in asking?! I am taking "The Love
Dare." Will you?
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